Past research seminars
Digital Trust and Security Seminar Series: Dr Gunes Acar
Register to explore a groundbreaking study on web tracking and advertising on child-directed website...
Digital Trust and Security Seminar Series: Dr. Ben Collier
UK police forces are increasingly adopting 'influence policing', a form of digital influence campaig...
Holistic approach to modelling and analysis of sustainable integrated power networks
Welcome to this EEE distinguished lecturer & research seminar Due to the evident climate change and...
Next Generation of Gas Sensors: Anticipated and Unanticipated Advantages Over Last-Century Designs
Welcome to this IEEE Distinguish lecture from an invited IEEE Sensor Council Distinguished Lecturer,...
Digital Trust and Security Seminar Series: Prof Rob Black
Join Digital Futures and Prof Rob Black for a free event on 18th November to explore the concepts of...
‘The Art of Research’: Co-produced Street Art
Join us for a research café exploring a co-produced street art project, “The Art of Research”,...
Electric Motors for Aircraft Propulsion – A US Research Perspective
Welcome to this EEE power conversion research events Background: Electric, hybrid, and turboelectri...
Professor Alex Frangi - In Silico Regulatory Science for the Digital Era
The Pankhurst Seminar Series, AI in Healthcare theme is delighted to host Professor Alex Frangi on 2...
Centre for Digital Trust and Society Seed Corn Showcase
The Centre for Digital Trust and Society (CDTS) is excited to present the CDTS Seed Corn Showcase. T...
Challenges and Innovation Opportunities for Electrifying the Transportation Sector
Welcome to this EEE open seminar Olivier Trescases received his Ph.D. degree in electrical engineer...